Data Science Certificate

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Data Science Certificate
Data Science Certificate

PDA 001 – Introduction to Data Science

  • History of data analytics and data science
  • Introduction to data science and modeling.
  • Data a science principle.
  • Foundation of exploring data through computing and statistical analysis
  • Structure and applications of probability statistics for decision making.
  • Regression analysis and classification trees, and Graphical Visualization

PDA 002 – Introduction to Programming

  • Introduction to the Python language, the design, analysis, and implementation of fundamental data structures in Python.
  • Common algorithms that operate on data structures.
  • Data querying and processing
  • Tableau and matplotlib in Python and scikit-learn library.
Data Science Certificate

PDA 003- Data Science Techniques

  • Data Concepts, data preparation
  • Data Architecture
  • Data Storage and Serving.
  • Skills gained in this course will enable you to visualize and analyze data and build interacting data dashboards.
  • Data visualization provides the graphical representation of that data.
  • Dashboards for data analysis and story telling with data.

PDA 004 – Data Science tools.

  • Basics of Machine Learning, What and why Machine Learning, Applications of Machine Learning Types of Machine Learning.
  • Fundamental principles of data analytics, and machine learning techniques such as neural network, deep learning, and reinforcement learning as well as NLP andtext analysis.
  • Basic algorithms, such as regression, decision trees, and Nearest Neighbours, designing a machine learning experiment which includes cross validation and evaluation metrics.
  • Data preparation and exploration, defining the problem, and choosing theappropriate algorithm.

PDA 005 – Data Mining and Prescriptive Analysis

  • Introduction predictive modelling techniques as well as related statistical and visualization tools for data mining.
  • Common machine learning techniques that are focused on predictive outcomes.
  • Evaluation of the performance of the prediction models and how to improve them through time.
  • Data preparation and exploration, defining the problem, and choosing the appropriate algorithm.
  • Machine learning tools for data visualizations.

PDA 006 – Capstone Project in Data Science

  • You will apply your data visualization and reporting skills through this project-based Data Science course.
  • You will be able to apply open data to complete Data Science projects.
  • With the skills gained in this course, you will be able to formalize problems, enumerate assumptions, design experiments, evaluate outcomes, and present findings to help in high level Decision making.